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The ImageCoordinates-Window is a first attempt to modify parameters
graphically. There a some types of controls which can be dragged and
modified using the mouse. All interesting values like image-coordinates
or the radius of a circle are indicated and could be copied to the
options-window of the selected PlugIn.
Control-Type type of control:
point : simple point, e.g. represting a upper-left edge
of a image to be composed
rect : e.g. representing a crop-region
circle: e.g. representing the amount and the radius
of a Twirl-effect
Left,Top coordinates of the point (in coordiantes of the unscaled image),
upper-left edge of the rectangle,
centre of the circle,
Right, Bottom lower-right edge of the rectangle
Angle angle of the current drawn radius of the circle
Radius radius of the circle